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As I See It

Obamacare better than a concept of a plan



When Donald Trump was President, he tried several times, unsuccessfully, to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Now he may have given up the fight. Trump admitted as much during the presidential debate, saying he would only replace the ACA if he found something that provided better coverage at a cheaper rate. Until then, he said, it should be run as well as it can be. When pressed about a better plan to provide health insurance coverage for Americans, Trump mumbled he had “a concept of a plan.” Tim Walz, a former teacher, joked he heard better excuses from his students who hadn’t completed their homework. The reality is, while Obamacare is not perfect, it has been successful, and people like it. Those 26 and under like being able to stay on their parent’s insurance. Those with pre-existing conditions like being able to get coverage when they had been denied or charged exorbitant rates before. The share of Americans without health coverage is down to 8%, about half of what it was before Obamacare. And new government data shows nearly 50 million Americans have been covered by health insurance through the ACA’s marketplaces. No, Obamacare isn’t perfect. But it is sure better than a “concept” of a plan to replace it.

Scott Robert Shaw serves as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivers the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott has been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and authors Wisconsin's only daily radio editorial, "As I See It" heard on WIZM each weekday morning and afternoon.

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1 Comment

  1. nick

    September 19, 2024 at 7:00 am

    You do not mention nor would I expect you to mention the massive amount of fraud. Fraud that is a drain on the taxpayers. There are plenty of newspaper articles pertaining to fraud but not enough resources to combat it.

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