Vice President Harris returns to La Crosse as presidential nominee to headline rally at UW-L

It may have been the last chance for a La Crosse audience to see a major presidential candidate in person before the November election.
Over 3,000 people formed long lines throughout the UW-La Crosse campus Thursday, in order to hear a speech by Vice President Kamala Harris at the Recreational Eagle Center.
Harris was not pursuing the job of president the last time she visited La Crosse in April, speaking about health care.
This time, the Democrat placed much of her focus on Republican Donald Trump and policy plans, such as Project 2025.
“I can’t believe they put that thing in writing, I really can’t,” Harris told the campus audience. “They bound it and handed it out.”

“We read it, right?” Harris asked. “It’s a detailed and dangerous blueprint for what he will do if he’s elected president.”
Harris also focused on a more positive message, promising “I will always fight for all the American people.
“Together, we can and we will build a future, a brighter future for our nation.”
Harris was joined on campus by businessman Mark Cuban, known as the former owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and hosting the reality series “Shark Tank.”
Cuban warned that Trump’s economic policies could ruin the holiday season plans of many Americans.

“Donald Trump wants you to have a lousy Christmas,” Cuban, who is now a minority owner of the Mavs. He warned that Trump policies could lead to severe price increases and difficulties for small businesses. He referred to Trump as “the Grinch that wants to steal your Christmas.”
Mayor Mitch Reynolds also took the stage, welcoming Harris and Cuban to La Crosse, saying that Republican Trump has been “attacking our fundamental freedoms as Americans, attacking women and reproductive health care rights, and threatening the very core of our democracy.”

Trump last visited the city in August for a town hall at the La Crosse Center.
So far, the running mates, J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, have not campaigned in La Crosse yet, though Walz did join WIZM’s La Crosse Talk PM earlier in the week. Listen here:

Greg Symons
October 18, 2024 at 5:17 am
Only 3000 supporters? Trump had more than that looking to catch a glimpse of him along the route he took into LaCrosse when he was here.
John Q Public
October 18, 2024 at 8:02 am
Lots of low information easly fooled followers attended a scripted performance by a known congenital serial liar unqualified for any job with responsibility, except for maybe a maid in a rundown hotel/motel. If you vote for her your asking for 4 more years of corruption economic terror and lawlessness on the American people.
John Q Public
October 18, 2024 at 8:06 am
So many low information fools at a scripted lie pathetic harris rally
October 18, 2024 at 3:09 pm
Yep. I worked line control and the Lax Center was beyond capacity with 3000 who were unable to get in.
October 19, 2024 at 12:08 pm
I would ask all the little girls in attendance to watch the Youtube and Twitter videos of young Ukrainian men being pulled from their homes and forced to fight. No doubt the same is true on the Russian side. Those poor souls being offered up as cannon fodder could be your brothers, boyfriends, fathers. It’s heartbreaking.
The full force of the Dems and the RINO faction of Repub war mongers is in favor of escalation in defense of Ukraine. Anyone thinking Harris is intellectually capable or has the gravitas to manage the pressure that will be heaped on her to escalate American involvement is taking a huge risk.
Trump and Kennedy were the only two candidates pushing to find a quick end to the war. Biden has not talked to Putin in years.
But from Harris, all we get is “I’m not Trump, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.”
Nick Berry
October 18, 2024 at 6:09 am
Well, She is preaching Project 25 but the problem is that Trump has repeatedly and steadfastly denounced it; no problem for lying Kamala.
She promises assistance in housing but her record in California was obstruction to any housing let alone affordable.
She is from progressive California where housing cost is the highest in the nation by far; where gas prices are the highest in the nation by far.
Where anyone who can flee is is because it is too DAMN EXPENSIVE TO LIVE THERE.
It is amazing that the progressive policies hurt the most the people they tout the most- the poor and disadvantaged.
The Biden presidency was a BIG LIE and she is an expert liar.
October 18, 2024 at 12:02 pm
If Brad Williams was any kind of a journalist he would have added an editorial note stating Trump has repeatedly disavowed the Project 25 document.
Consider the source. La Crosse deserves better.
Thomas Lane
October 18, 2024 at 7:39 am
And the lies keep coming.
October 18, 2024 at 7:48 am
Harris turned down her invitation to the traditional Al Smith dinner in New York, a Catholic tradition that raises money for charity.
Now we know why. She instead chose to attend a college rally at UW-L La Crosse Wi. She was firm on the refusal when she heard Mitch Reynolds was speaking at the Democrat rally.
(Last candidate to turn down the Smith event was Mondale in ’84)
October 18, 2024 at 12:18 pm
For anyone who hasn’t viewed the Trump speech at the Al Smith dinner, you should do so. Absolutely hilarious.
Harris was a no-show of course, but sent a pre-taped (count the edit splices) video where she played straight man to an SNL character. Not at all clever or entertaining. The shallowness, unlikeable persona and lack of executive capacity of Harris is stunning. Putin, Iran’s Supreme Leader and China’s Xi can only hope to get her to the diplomatic poker table.
Libertarian Guy
October 18, 2024 at 8:24 am
Looks like our mayor Mitch Reynolds has Self identified as a Democrat. Didn’t he agree when he was running for mayor that he would be a non-partisan candidate. As a self identified Democrat, that explains why he’s a big spender of lacrosse taxpayer money on things like ongoing homelessness costs and wanting to add another large spending item to the payroll with his city administrator boondoggle, claiming it will save money. And then, as a representative of lacrosse, he is promoting abortion, which Democrats like to call “reproductive rights”. A reminder, the right to reproduce usually results in the birth of a child not fetal demise. This is a strange application of the phrase reproductive rights and then they actually call it healthcare. To have him stump for Kamala Harris is extremely aggravating. She is trying to get elected under false pretenses by claiming and yucking it up things about President Trump that are completely false. As Walden continues to aptly point out, Trump had nothing to do with project 25 yet she lies by using it as a basis to yuck it up and make fun of a president who kept inflation low, kept us out of wars, and held worldwide respect for our nation. And she does this having not Received a single vote in the primary, but was nominated by a political coup. Do you have moved up on my list Mitch. You are now a disgrace.
October 18, 2024 at 9:17 am
Wow – Mitch Reynolds proved he is essentially dishonest and equally guilty of democrat lies. He must have developed a taste for power and political influence. Threatens Democracy? which part,
1) you mean the supreme court, the one that the democrat party doesn’t like the current decisions so they are advocating term limits, expanding the court, packing the court,
2) you mean that threat to democracy? you mean censorship, the ones that democrat mouthpieces leverage the big social media giants to censor conservative content, the ones that demonetize conservative sites, that threat to democracy
3) you mean the threat to democracy that allows people to stream across the southern border? the one that lies about the security of that border, that threat to democracy?
4) you mean the threat to democracy that allows sitting congressional members to to threaten cities with riots, bailing out rioters, fanning the flames of those rights?
5) you mean the threat to democracy that allows people to ‘take over’ sections of US cities with no accountability?
I call bullshit!
Trump is NOT threatening women’s rights, he is observing the rule of law! Abortion is not a federal issue, it is a state issue, it is not defined exclusively as a federal issue so it automatically is a state issue. By vote, not by judicial fiat!
Government spending is pushing prices higher, there is no arguing this. When there is more money, available by the ‘giveaway’, it chases products, as that money chases products, it forces increased competition for those goods and services, that drives prices higher because products become scarce and industry now has to increase it’s production capacity requiring more people, more equipment!
Reynolds has joined the ranks of democrat liars, he at least had some ethics, he now has none! We know Harris is a liar,
Libertarian Guy
October 18, 2024 at 10:30 am
You are clearly very well. Read Kevin and very well spoken/written. Thank you for your input. Yes, Mayor. Mitch Reynolds has earned the title, disgrace. I look forward to Electing a new mayor in April.
October 18, 2024 at 3:07 pm
6) you mean the threat to democracy by installing a presidential nominee without a single vote from the electorate?
October 18, 2024 at 10:28 am
Hi, Kamalalala here, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Project 2025, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Opportunity economy, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Lets be clear and serious, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Unburdened by yesterday, nuyk, nyuk, nyuk
Immigration Trump’s fault, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Libertarian Guy
October 18, 2024 at 12:32 pm
Could not have been better said by Kamala herself Walden.
What many people do not realize is that Kamala’s statement about being unburden by what has been is a variation on Marxist philosophy. The idea is similar to that which is illustrated in George Orwell‘s book 1984. The idea behind “being on burdened by what has been” is to utilize revisionist history to accomplish one’s political goals. That is, rewrite history, As was done in Orwell‘s book, in such a way that it does not exist so that Marxist philosophy can replace it. She is the one that is a danger to our democracy with such Marxist beliefs, redistribution of wealth, wiping out unborn children, and getting the Democrat nomination via a coup Against the current president rather than winning the nomination in a primary Mary . I believe this is Unprecedented in our country. If she wins, I wonder what other unprecedented acts she will take to destroy our democracy. Unfortunately, Democrats do not recognize and are naive to the danger and they vote for her out of party loyalty and affiliation. Very unwise indeed. And our mayor is stomping for her. Let me repeat, our mayor is stumping for a socialist raised by Marxist parents