As I See It
As I See It, gee, Thanksgiving comes late this year
The calendar can be a funny thing. You remember that this was a leap year, right? Of course you do, that’s why we just had a presidential election. That extra day back in February may be throwing people for a loop right now. Without that leap day in 2024, we would be done with Thanksgiving by today, November 25th, instead of still getting ready for it. La Crosse’s Rotary Lights would be open. However, they are still preparing for their big show, too. I’m not really complaining, but the calendar has insured a later start for the official holiday season. And that may be a good thing for folks who have had other things on their plate, and there’s a little extra time to shift into holiday mode. That means if you would still like to volunteer to work at La Crosse’s community Thanksgiving dinner, or help set up the Rotary Lights, they all might appreciate the extra assistance. Christmas is still officially one month away, so plan accordingly. I’m Brad Williams.