30th year of La Crosse Rotary Lights go live — after some false starts

La Crosse’s Rotary Lights are back for another holiday season, but the park didn’t light up exactly on cue as planned Friday night.
Most years, the vast array of lights in the park comes on when Santa Claus operates a large switch on the bandshell stage. Santa counted down a few times, but the park remained mostly in the dark.

The Skyrockers usually set off fireworks when the lights come on.
This time, the fireworks show went ahead, and then the million or so Christmas lights in the park finally lit up. There was no immediate word from organizers why the lights were delayed.

This is the 30th year of Rotary Lights, which traditionally are displayed every night from the Friday after Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve.
More than a dozen charity organizations receive food donations that are brought to Riverside Park by visitors.
The lighting ceremony, featuring singing by the Coulee Chordsmen, followed the annual holiday parade through downtown La Crosse.