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Gov. Evers braves wintry weather to attend La Crosse listening session at Northside Elementary



Wisconsin’s governor came to La Crosse on Wednesday to hear people’s concerns, during a listening session at Northside Elementary School.

On what he called a “cruddy night” with wind and snow, Gov. Tony Evers sat in on small group discussions to hear comments about transportation and education. But Evers says food insecurity turned out to be a major worry for families.

“People care about their schools, but when I was in there, the conversation came around to food for kids,” Evers told reporters. “Not an eye-opener, but it was something that we really have to pay attention to.”

About 50 people gathered at the school, to talk in small groups about health, transportation, and the needs of kids. Evers dropped in on each of the discussions and took notes, rather than speaking. The governor is hoping for the two parties to work together more in Madison, in the new legislative session.

“I think it’ll give an opportunity for people to have some wins collectively,” he said. “I think things will be better. I can’t say they’re gonna be perfect, but they will be better.”

Mayor Mitch Reynolds (left) joins discussions at Northside Elementary, attended by Gov. Evers.

Among those attending the listening sessions was La Crosse Mayor Mitch Reynolds, who took part in a transportation discussion and said having too much traffic through the city can cause problems.

Evers plans to use information from the listening sessions to help shape the next budget, which could be introduced in February.

A native of Prairie du Chien, Brad graduated from UW - La Crosse and has worked in radio news for more than 30 years, mostly in the La Crosse area. He regularly covers local courts and city and county government. Brad produces the features "Yesterday in La Crosse" and "What's Buried on Brad's Desk." He also writes the website "Triviazoids," which finds odd connections between events that happen on a certain date, and he writes and performs with the local comedy group Heart of La Crosse. Brad been featured on several national TV programs because of his memory skills.

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  1. Kevin

    December 5, 2024 at 6:44 am

    A few things:
    1) Braved the wintry weather – there was a bit of wind, and a bit of blowing snow. Give me a break.
    2) Food insecurity – could be I just live in a sorted sample of the LaCrosse area, never leave my house, don’t see the food waste happening within the school lunch program, by the hungry & food insecure students, the long lines at McDonalds, Chik-Fil-A, etc… Where does this food insecurity live. I seldom read stories of people eating cans of cat/dog food anymore. As a kid those stories were in the paper and on the news weekly. Of course, in this day and age, cans of cat/dog food are no doubt more expensive than cans of Tuna fish.
    3) The two parties are going to work together more – who said, we refer to our non-partisan supreme court judges as progressive & conservative (democrat/republican). How are they going to miraculously work together, neither group of people, democrats or republicans can seem to acknowledge a good idea from the other side. But perhaps it isn’t the acknowledgement of a good idea, perhaps it’s in the proposed solutions to that idea. One side says, this is the information, please make your best choice. The other side says, THIS IS THE SOLUTION, you will do this or else.
    4) too much traffic through the city is a bad thing – hmmm, gotta wonder if the businesses that rely on that traffic agree that there are too many coming into, and out of the city. those bike lines, of which I have probably seen a grand total of 8 bikes traverse them are helping move traffic through the city. those two bike lines sucked up a fair bit of parking space i know that. how do i know that, i used to use that space to park in when visiting the businesses that i would spend money at. since that space has been removed, my visits to the downtown area have decreased, as a result my spending at these same businesses has decreased. Those bike lanes are a great help to commerce, makes our city vastly more liveable. Good job!

    Quit blowing smoke up my ass, our governor doesn’t work for the citizen of Wisconsin, our mayor doesn’t seem to work for the citizen of LaCrosse, the governor/mayor work for their party and only the party and occasionally do something that merits recognition. One thing our governor didn’t do was ‘brave’ any wintry weather, unless of course that headline is intended as satire.

  2. LG

    December 5, 2024 at 8:41 am

    Yes, this was a pretty ridiculous story and soundbite. No need to repeat Kevin’s points.

    I suspect this is a select group of people as this visit was not announced ahead of time to my knowledge and located at a school, the group is likely composed of a small group of parents. This group in no way represents the greater Wisconsin public. As such, Any concerns they expressed must be taken in that context. I have to wonder why these wild dressed parents are unable to feed their children. I also wonder when it became the responsibility of the state to feed people other than in places like communist Russia. We live in a capitalist society where people have the ability to work, save, make wise choices, Not one where the government has to provide everything from clothing, to food, housing, etc. Remember, government provides by taking from others. Lastly, Americans are known to have an obesity problem not a food shortage problem. Medical providers are very concerned about the obesity rate among children. This is a non issue and a non-solution. But don’t worry, Governor Evers has promised to “take a look at it.” Silly.

  3. walden

    December 5, 2024 at 8:48 am

    Yet another staged event.

    The governor listened to people he wanted to listen to and heard what he wanted to hear.

    The mayor? He seems to be hearing impaired.

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