As I See It
America with a D.E.I. birthday

It’s hard to believe, but the U.S.A. is about to celebrate another major birthday. We’re 13 months away from the year 2026, and that’s the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, a document signed by a room full of white males. No black, or Latin, or Indigenous men in the famous painting of the signing, and we assume Betsy Ross was off somewhere else, sewing a flag. But the document still says “All men are created equal.”
Is our next celebration of the D-O-I going to be more D-E-I? The musical “1776,” which is specifically about the writing of the Declaration, only has two female characters, Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Jefferson. But it is important for them to be represented. We’re still trying to figure out where women fit in, as part of the grand experiment.
Our first female vice president is finishing up her term of office, having failed to earn a promotion in the election. Democrats had a female nominee in two of the last three presidential runs, and they both lost to the same man. California Gov. Gavin Newsom says it’s ‘ludicrous’ for anybody to assume that since women still haven’t won the presidency yet, they never will. I would think one of these years, both major parties will nominate women, at the same time. We shouldn’t want people thinking of America as, to borrow a phrase from the Little Rascals, the He-Man Woman-Haters Club.

Greg Symons
December 12, 2024 at 6:03 am
The problem with the direction our country is headed is the obsession with race and gender rather than meritocracy. Kamala Harris didn’t win the presidency because she was a woman or a person of color. She lost because she was incompetent and her views didn’t represent the majority of Americans. It may make someone feel good about putting someone in power because of their race or gender, but that feeling will fade quickly when the mission of that position fails. As DEI as the NFL has become, there is not a single team that would make a woman their quarterback (or any other position). Not because the woman wasn’t a good person, but because doing so would remove their ability to compete and win. We have to decide in America if we want to compete and win, because the direction we’ve been heading isn’t cutting it.
Come On Man
December 12, 2024 at 11:25 am
Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the best woman candidate for President has not run for office yet? Just because you are a woman, or a woman of color does not mean you should be given the Office of the President.
There may be more qualified and likeable candidates who have not stepped up to the plate yet.
Stop gender and race baiting when it comes to politics just because they lost.
December 12, 2024 at 12:55 pm
I think this opinion piece is largely garbage and intended only as bait to troll for clicks!
That said, I’ll bite and I’ll start with the second paragraph. “Still trying to figure out where (women) they fit in”. Hell, most folks in the left don’t even know what a woman is! We have a Supreme Court justice that wouldn’t define what a woman is, and ironically, she was hired because she was a woman.
Then I’ll skip to the third paragraph, nobody liked Hillary or Kamala. There only qualifications for the job were that they had vaginas and at least said they were women. Besides that neither of them could tell the truth, about anything! Nothing mysterious or misogynistic about that. They sucked, plain and simple and everyone knew it. Becoming elected as not about being ‘promoted’ it was about being elected!
Back to the first paragraph, what kind of passive aggressive, progressive point are you trying to make? Come out and say it, spit it out, use your words!
What a waste of electrons and space this opinion was….
December 12, 2024 at 1:07 pm
I don’t think my rant is over yet; figuring out where they fit in? Are those the chest feeders, the breeders, the cis women, the myriads of other names that the progressives have used to eliminate the female sex?
I know where they fit in, I’ve known this since I could think: moms, athletes, housewives, ceos, entrepreneurs, inventors, fighters, engineers, doctors, lawyers, prostitutes, actresses, politicians, blah blah blah….
Quit blowing smoke up our proverbial backsides. I have never seen women more oppressed than these last 4 years under Biden when know one with a post high school degree can even figure out what a woman is…. Threat oppression began under the Obama flag by the way….Biden just accelerated it….good job!
John Q Public
December 13, 2024 at 4:04 pm
And what great about it we will have a true American president to help lead the celebration …