School spelling champs around the region will compete on Thursday to qualify for state finals

The football season may be over, but other competitions are happening at schools around the region. Many of them academic contests, such as the CESA-4 regional spelling bee, taking place Thursday in West Salem. The CESA, Cooperative Educational Service Agency, organizes bees around the state, in partnership with the Wisconsin State Journal. The contestants can qualify up through the eighth grade.

More than 20 students from La Crosse area elementary and middle schools will face each other, for the chance to participate in the state finals March 29th in Madison. Traditionally, five spellers from the local CESA district advance from this regional to the state contest. Three times in the last four years, students from Onalaska Middle School have finished first in the West Salem bee.
Last year’s top 5 in the regional represented schools from Onalaska, Holmen, and Cochrane-Fountain City.