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As I See It

“We’re on the stolen land of …”



As I See It

You’ve heard them, those cringe-worthy land acknowledgments at government meetings, schools and universities. They say ‘We’re on the stolen land of,’ as if hard-working Americans are trespassing within their own country.

It’s guilt tripping at its finest designed to make you feel like a criminal for living on land your family built fought for and defended.

And let’s be real, America was not stolen. It was settled fought over and won, just like every other nation in human history.

Generations of Americans, who dedicated the liberty, freedom and the promise of a better future, have shed blood, sweat and tears to build this nation.

They’ve defended this land with their lives, ensuring it remains a beacon of hope and opportunity for all.

So to the holier-than-thou social justice warriors who believe we’re on stolen land, why haven’t you given it back to the people you stole it from?

It’s simple, because it’s not really about justice for them. It’s about guilt control and rewriting history to fit their narrative.

As I see it, I’m Andy Parrish.

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  1. Walden

    February 21, 2025 at 8:46 pm

    Andy and Mike, I agree. It is tiresome to listen to these liberals drone on about “stolen land.” There is not an inch of land on this planet that hasn’t been forcefully taken innumerable times since the beginning of time, including by Native Americans taking from other Native Americans. The U.S. cannot be perfect (because mankind is not perfect) but it is likely the most near perfect country ever created.

    These intellectually lazy and performative bending-of-the-knee “stolen land” exercises (see La Crosse School Board) undermine a sense of duty and loyalty to our country. We deserve better, and should expect more, from those in leadership positions.

    • Andy Parrish

      February 22, 2025 at 12:26 pm

      Thanks Walden! That was the point I was trying to convey, additionally the individuals who gave their lives to obtain and preserve liberty and freedom from you and me are not thieves, they are not criminals, they are individuals who served and created opportunity for all.

  2. Joe

    February 22, 2025 at 6:39 am

    If you look at the land that was fought for and taken by tribes they tended to kill everyone that would try to stay on them or force them into their own tribe. America was not perfect but also tried to give something back when realizing the hardship it created to the Natives.

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