Gov. Evers visits Ho-Chunk in La Crosse to discuss veterans’ assistance

Providing money for veterans’ programs in Wisconsin is on the to-do list for Gov. Tony Evers this week, in his latest travels around the state.
The governor came to the Ho-Chunk office in downtown La Crosse on Thursday to meet with area veterans and community members about the needs they see. The visit was part of a day-long sweep by Evers which also included stops in Racine and Superior, and state Veterans Affairs Secretary James Bond traveled with the governor. Mayor Mitch Reynolds and State Sen. Brad Pfaff also participated in the session.
Evers told reporters in La Crosse that widespread cuts being proposed in the federal budget aren’t going to help Wisconsin. He described the attitude that he sees in Washington as wanting to fix veteran programs by firing thousands of government workers. “It’s a clown show that needs to stop,” said Evers.
Other speakers attending the meeting with Evers said many veterans might need outreach from the government, to let them know what services may be available to help them. Taking part in the roundtable was Robert Hilliard of Tomah, who has worked with the Disabled American Veterans group. Hillard wants to see vets get information on how to find necessary services. He calls for “getting the word out to our veterans that haven’t already been in to the VA, or are getting help outside of the VA, letting them know that they can come in and not have any problems.”
Evers also has the entire state budget process on his mind right now. And he doesn’t want lawmakers to wait on events happening in Washington before passing a budget.
“We have a budget,” he said, “and I’m hoping the legislature doesn’t say to me, you know we can’t do a budget now because we’ve got to wait for something to happen in Washington, D.C. ”

March 21, 2025 at 8:20 am
It’s an absolute joke like Tony Ever’s said. The wait times to get in with the VA in Tomah for certain specialties are 9+ months. No wonder the veteran suicide and homeless rates are so high.
March 21, 2025 at 6:57 pm
Dylan, wait lists to see doctors are long for everyone. For some specialists, there are no openings whether you are a vet going to the VA or have private insurance through an employer. Vets have the option to see private providers if the VA cannot see them within 28 days which is better than you get being part of an HMO, but it is still difficult to get in to see specialists for anyone.
Evers has now been governor for 5 years. While the VA is a federal matter, what has Evers done during that time to improve state programs for veterans? All he does is complain about Orange Man and Republicans; he refuses to take positions that will actually help people, preferring instead to pandor to his Dem followers with stories of what he can’t do.
It seems he has time on his Driving Miss Daisy Tour to vist La Crosse often but shows no progress on any substantive issue. So tired of Wisconsin’s version of Geriatric Joe Biden showing up every week and offering nothing but complaints. The meeting subject of this article was another pointless dog and pony show.
March 22, 2025 at 10:13 am
The meeting was a chance for Brad Pfaff to get his 4,567th picture taken with the Governor doing nothing and for Mitch Reynolds to quietly, off-to-the-side, ask Evers to keep him in mind should anything worth over 150 grand a year opens up.
March 22, 2025 at 4:49 pm
Roy your well earned cynicism is exceeded only by your insight. You are spot on.
I would add WIZM likes to point the finger at Rep Van Orden for avoiding Dem operatives infiltrating his town hall meetings. But here we have a whopping 11 people showing up for the governor, and five are in Evers’ entourage, at a meeting not pre-announced or open to the public.