25-year-old La Crosse man receives new prison sentences for sexual assault, false imprisonment, drunk driving

New crimes have led to extra prison time for a 25-year-old La Crosse man, who’s already in state prison.

Noah Betz was sentenced Monday to a total of six years in prison on new felony charges dating as far back as 2021. Betz had several felony charges against him, including sexual assault, false imprisonment, and drunk driving.
In a La Crosse courtroom Monday, Betz apologized to the victims of his actions.
“I just need one shot, one opportunity to prove to everyone my commitment, dedication, and hard work I’ve put in, and continue daily to put in, to the new version of Noah,” Betz said.
One female victim assaulted by Betz said in court that she has “constant fear” because of the attack, and no longer feels safe.”
Betz’s defense attorney said the recent deaths of his father and sister have led to drinking and drug use. His father, Justin Betz, was shot and killed in La Crosse earlier this year.
La Crosse County Circuit Court Judge Ramona Gonzalez told Betz that she believes he can change after past crimes, and there are people who are eager to help him.
For the sexual assault charge, a 20-year prison term was stayed, but Betz could serve that time if he violates the terms of his other sentences. Gonzalez told Betz that he had been given an opportunity to change, through probation, and he “threw that one away.”
Betz apologized for his “selfish acts,” and said he wants to “change for a new beginning.”

March 25, 2025 at 6:05 am
What a winner..not .. I’m sure there are others. Thank God just six years?? Thanks lacrosse county judicial system.
Bill Paul
March 25, 2025 at 6:26 am
Second-degree sexual assault is a serious crime, warranting a harsher sentence than just six years, especially given Mr. Betz’ litany of repeated violent crimes. This man is a case study in recidivism too.. I don’t believe his courtroom promises of reform are to be believed at all.
March 25, 2025 at 11:26 am
They’re all angels in front of the judge. When is Ramona gone?
March 25, 2025 at 7:32 am
This guy is featured on multiple code blue cam videos. Judge Ramona Gonzalez should really go and watch the *multiple* chances this guy has gotten.