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As I See It

Get out and vote



As I See It

We’re one week out from our April first election.

Have you researched the candidates to find the ones that best represent your views? Have you looked at the information on the state referendum or one of the many school referendums if there’s one where you live?

Once you know, if you can’t make it to the polls next Tuesday, you can still vote early. There are still four more days of in-person absentee voting available to you. You’ve got until the 27th to request an absentee ballot.

The bottom line is this: Last November, turnout in La Crosse County according to the County Clerk’s office was at over 98 percent. In February, it was about thirteen and a half percent. And yes, while the races weren’t as big as November, last month’s turnout figure is rather sad.

In a country where either side is claiming to be saving democracy, there are very few reasons that a person of voting age can’t take the time to learn about the candidates, the issues, and take that knowledge to the voting booth. It’s called being a responsible citizen regardless of which way you vote on the candidates or issues. That’s something I think we can all agree on.  

As I see it, I’m Kevin Millard 

Kevin Millard is News Director for WIZM News. A West Salem native, he's spent most of his life, except for a year each in Florida and Wausau, here in the La Crosse area. Broadcasting and the media has been a part of his life since he was filmed in his first commercial in 2nd Grade. Most of his career has been spent working behind the scenes in the newsroom at a local television station. He's been the host of WKTY Outdoors since October 2005.

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1 Comment

  1. walden

    March 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm

    Is this a joke? Why can’t WIZM just come out and openly endorse candidates and issues? Instead listeners are subjected to daily onslaught of slanted and tainted “here’s what we want you to believe today” reporting in favor if all things Democrat mis-labeled as “news” and then urged to vote.

    At least be honest about your political leanings and then give us straight newes.

    I don’t need to be lectured on how to be a “responsible citizen” but you need to be lectured on how to responsibly inform our community…and you are failing miserably.

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