Temp. records date back to 1880 and record has been set 5 times in last 12 years.
Walker has received $342,000 from Devos and her family since 2010.
Act is considered one of government’s most powerful conservation tools.
DeVos was asked about everything from long-standing education debates to making public colleges tuition-free.
Evaluation comes from budget analyst for Congress, which released report Tuesday.
Republicans, not dems, ran Sec. of State nominee Tillerson through the ringer, and the nominee had no answers for questions.
Dozens of Native American tribes, others, tying up decision.
Reports Tuesday were that Trump had been briefed in a classified setting about investigator’s findings.
Exxon CEO had a $500 billion oil deal with Putin blocked by US sanctions.
Obama’s accomplishments – health care, environment, nuclear deal – could potentially be upended by Trump.
Reports released Tuesday indicate Russia could have compromising info about Trump, who called it “FAKE NEWS” … on Twitter.
Trump’s messages blindside staff, who admit they wake up and check Twitter to see what’s been occupying their boss overnight.
Lead changed three times in fourth quarter in National Championship rematch.
Democrats can’t block nomination but may use hearings to question him on immigration, civil rights and other issues.
Republican claims range from exaggerated to completely false.
Getting rid of Obamacare with no plan to replace it doesn’t sit well with many.
President-elect and his cabinet prepare for grilling on business conflicts, Russia and more.
Trump statement directly contradicts declassified report’s assessment of Russian impact on election.
Despite Trump’s past rhetoric Mexico would pay, it will come from American tax dollars.
High-level intelligence officials are heading to New York Friday to brief Trump on the classified findings.