A Jackson County woman will be scheduled for trial on a charge of killing her male roommate. Judge Daniel Diehn has found probable cause to try...
La Crosse County leaders and members of the public agree on the two most important needs for which $23 million from Washington could be spent. They...
For every driver in La Crosse who complains that there’s never enough parking space downtown, city leaders point out that the ramps have many spaces available...
It has been an unusually warm year in La Crosse — a record-setter, in one way. The city has had more days of 80-degree weather in...
For many government workers in the U.S., Monday holiday, and still called “Columbus Day.” This year marks the 50th anniversary of Columbus Day being moved from...
The La Crosse Parks, Recreation and Foresty Department is making plans for what improvements to address over the next few years. A five-year comprehensive plan for...
Whether it’s biking, hunting or going on the river, outdoor recreation appears to be the biggest draw for visitors to the Coulee Region. That finding comes...
You’ve heard of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871…but there was another large fire, in Wisconsin, on the same day, yesterday in La Crosse. October...
There were supposed to be two Freedom Honor Flights out of La Crosse this fall, to make up for flights that were cancelled because of the...
It’s Fire Prevention Week in the U.S., and a La Crosse city committee marked the occasion by approving a plan to make kitchens safer in city...
Putting businesses such as a bed-and-breakfast in La Crosse’s old fish lab would be a benefit to the community. That’s what developer Marty Walleser told the city council...
He’s already spent 15 years in federal prison for drug crimes…and now, Aubrey Marshall of La Crosse is being sent back to prison for 5 more...
The United States’ departure from Afghanistan has been upsetting for many people, especially veterans. Beginning at noon Saturday, the Coulee Recovery Center in La Crosse (map)...
While one entity looks to be moving forward with some rezoning-type plans, another is still on pause. For the second consecutive day, a city committee gave...
When La Crosse firefighters checked out a smoke alarm at a house last night, they found the fire was already out when they arrived. But a...
Is it time to drop alternate side parking in La Crosse? The idea of ending odd-even parking during the winter was brought Monday during the city’s...
The “Build Back Better” plan picked up some backers in La Crosse. The Citizen Action Wisconsin group Monday brought together caregivers and people who need specific...
Oktoberfest goes fast in La Crosse. It was just on Friday when they tapped the Golden Keg, and Mayor Mitch Reynolds urged festgoers to be safe....
About 150 people gathered at Weigent Park in La Crosse on Saturday to show support for reproductive rights. The Rally for Reproductive Rights in La Crosse...
A 59-year-old man from La Crosse has been ordered to serve 66 years in prison for causing a deadly drunk driving accident in 2018. Albart Shores...