Just say ‘no’ to roundabouts. New legislation in Madison would allow cities and towns in Wisconsin to do just that: Tell the DOT ‘no’ when the...
Some resistance to the idea of raising the La Crosse mayor’s pay by thousands of dollars. City council member James Cherf is among those who won’t...
A comment by Wisconsin governor Scott Walker relating to raising the retirement age for Social Security has raised some eyebrows this week. In an offhand way,...
Imagine the surprise of a couple of young guys in Vernon county when the truck they were driving in caught fire. Police say neither of the...
A family in Western Wisconsin has essentially exercised the anti-mine option. After getting inspired by another farm nearby getting permanently protected from development by the Mississippi...
It might be money that gets wasted. La Crosse mayor Tim Kabat agrees that there are no guarantees of success in spending $250 thousand on new...
Trump, Walker the headlines
City council agreed on new salary, vote to come
Ribbon cutting at noon
The 44-year-old boat getting major restoration
Instead settling for ‘just’ $1 million
Minnesota man raising awareness for mental illness
Presidential candidate has significant negative worth
Unintimidated PAC has raised $20 million
Proposal would pay position $80,000
Number of uninsured dropped only 38 percent, goal was 50
Surplus does not pay parking enforcement costs
Former La Crosse sergeant now in Campbell
Board approved spending Monday to find out what to charge certain home owners for utility hook up
Fallout from undercover videos may lead to defunding