Gov. Walker is campaigning in Onalaska at 8:40 a.m. Monday
City won’t permit boats at docks or in water this winter
Democrats say bill is attack on women’s health and goes too far
Rent for over half 113 apts. under $1,100 a month
Full council to vote next week in auditing financial records
Bill would allow research on tissue only acquired prior to this year
Said bill was done behind closed doors, inserted in last minute
Nearly $2 million in renovations still expected
Property, income taxes especially targeted for reform
Committee narrowly voted to pass resolution down the line
La Crosse outlier as compared to most cities in state
Enrollment period cut in half this year, though MN lasts a month longer
Proposal would also dump requirement for mentor to share weapon
One think Manafort will spill beans, while other questioned Hillary Clinton
Councilman says acting now is critical
Traffic more dangerous for kids on Halloween than any night of year
Agreement could be in place by end of 2017
Vote next month on spending up to $30,000 on external audit
Finance committee plan only includes $750,000 next year for pool
Collaborative found 15 vets homes earlier this year