Bill Feehan says Rep. have had 7 years to figure out repeal and replace.
Drug raid Tuesday caught a repeat offender who was released last March.
Dan Marcou didn’t think Yanez should have even been tried in shooting.
Supporters claim it would save by not paying construction workers as much.
Seeding has begun on 40-acre quarry to create foundation for ecosystem.
Supreme Court will rule whether Republicans guilty of gerrymandering.
May be no time to redraw maps if current ones deemed unconstitutional.
New program more flexible to bridge achievement gap.
State ranked sixth by AARP but cuts could put that at risk.
Decision on district maps might come just months before next state election.
WMC CEO says businesses view Trump positively.
Report states city fire facilities need $27 million in improvements, repairs.
Fourth-year event drew biggest crowd yet, despite hot weather.
Crowd-funding group will now have board of directors, after previous fallout.
A 9-2 vote and the change will go into effect in days.
Dedication for “Babe” Weigent statue set for July.
Wednesday, Bob Harlow talked about some of his ideas for Wisconsin on WIZM.
Twice in just over a week, children are present when police have made home arrests.
TIF district has matured ahead of time.
Proposal, scheduled for hearing today, been linked to Koch brothers.