Salaried employees could be moved to hourly
Don’t expect circus at GOP convention today
Steele County Rep. co-chair resigned his position over Trump fiasco
Obama admin passed overtime rule changes his week
Abraham was in WIZM studio Wednesday
Group in month six of two-year plan to reduce bird population
Walmart CEO makes $9,323 per hour
City taking large items free, but not electronics
Obama administration threatened to pull funding if directive not followed
Cutting the enforcement could be popular for those trying to get elected
Long term solution for road itself still pending
Two of guns were stolen
Up next, cost studies on how to fix/replace pool
Council narrowly rejects plans to cut month from parking period
Scherzer played in La Crosse in 2004
Neighborhood around pool believes council is being misled with false info
People often try and “rescue” fawns, who are perfectly safe, yet alone
Clinton holds 1,716-1,433 lead with 879 delegates remaining
State last in nation in graduation disparity between whites and those of color
Senate battle between Doyle-Bradley one of few outliers