The show choir director accused of a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old Logan High School student is out of jail, awaiting his next hearing. According to...
The jury gets chosen today in a trial as to whether a West Salem man may have killed his wife and made the death look like...
Clerks refuse to turn over documents on harassment claims.
Two teams shot a combined 6 of 34 from deep
The team stopped at Mayo to visit 7-year-old Josiah Schroeder, who is battling leukemia
Accident cleared after about 2 hours
Foxconn quarterly profits have dipped by 39 percent
Driver said he thought he hit a deer
Alt-side parking ends March 15
FEMA money was apparently not accounted for in new budget
Project will also include meadows so pollinators can thrive
Drinking age was changed to 21 in 1986
Accident cause still under investigation.
Host Homes program aligns youth with foster family while parents get help
Around 200 showed up to listen to challengers at the Brickhouse
Driver still at large, while passenger was just released from jail
Not part of the comeback will be monkeys
Told police he was defending himself, and to check video
Winona, Eau Claire ranked better
Board members wrote DA is “derelict in his duties.”