Hidden in tea bags, drugs worth $3 million
Full city council to vote on center Thursday
Police, wearing Kevlar, unharmed from punches
Profanity written in sharpie
Gorman Co. plans to turn old school into low-income housing
La Crescent, Hokah also have markets
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., shows start at 7:30
Trump supporters, often not interested in politics, will have to be now to win
City stopped charging for parking at the end of Feb.
Indiana could decide Trumps nomination
La Crosse Omnium giving out over $7,500 in prizes
Several bear sightings were reported in recent days
One truck had been there a decade
Closure will last throughout weekend
Walker taking applicants for state Supreme Court justice opening
DOJ reports 19 cases since 2014 have been requested
Three groups will be interviewed in May on ideas for development
Prosser announces retirement, replacement will serve until 2020 without election
La Crosse parking gates to return eventually
Multiple tornadoes have touched down