Arkansas allows charteuse
14 other Muslims resigned
Leaf resigned after player said coach made drunken, sexual advances toward him
Icy conditions believed to be cause
It’s all or nothing in trying to please all cultures’ traditions
Police find stolen cheese within a week
Trump skipped out on debate Thursday
La Crosse under 4% unemployment
Tomatoes sailed over Trump’s shoulder
Doctors advised him not to travel
Cruz on top in latest local straw poll
Caledonia coach and UW-L grad among finalists
Walker dropped out at Marquette after three years
Vet rated lab’s body conditions a 1 out of 9
Duluth at 3 p.m., St. Paul at 7 p.m.
But, same story: democrats want one thing, republicans do not
Multiple petitions to stop plan
Catcher expressed wishes to play in World Series
Lawmakers want toend session early
Excerpts released on speech show he’ll focus on jobs, education