Iowa students chant Donald Trump after playoff loss
Loophole allowing such imports existed for 85 years
Assets increased by $4 billion
Wisconsin governor hasn’t officially pledged candidate
Owners feared the worst, until a miraculous phone call Monday
Trump most popular vote among Republicans
City teams all have first-round byes
90-year-old vet has veteran’s ID, which is not included in voter ID law
“I don’t see the point of going through the motions,” Rep. Graham said.
Most of the payouts came during Walker’s presidential run
Board to decide eminent domain on landowners who refuse
Eagles only current team not to have won since 1965
Pets 4 Independence helps unite Rottweiler with suffering veteran
Sought damages because clinic didn’t warn him of the bill
Thousands showed up at the Rotunda
Mayor, others, speak of Olympian who helped pave the way for blacks in America
Wisconsin Senetor falls in line with other Republicans
Obama seeks to get justicethrough Republicans
Replacing Scalia could take awhile, but should it?
Police often called to vagrancy problems