What a mess they’ve made in Madison. A fight is happening over the administering of Wisconsin’s elections, and it has gotten ugly. It has to do...
We all want to be safe in the community where we live. A bill now before the Wisconsin Legislature is an attempt to do help keep...
The next presidential election is more than a year away. But the campaign season officially kicks off tonight with the first Republican presidential debate. It seems...
It has been a crazy year for weather. A tropical storm hit California for the first time in 84 years. A hurricane whipped up winds in...
It is a sharp dichotomy. People on French Island are eager for the state to help them get clean drinking water, but the politicians who control...
Some issues just shouldn’t be victim of partisan politics. Near the top of that list is school safety. Republicans or Democrats, we should all be willing...
Next week, the Republican candidates for President will gather for their first debate of the campaign, to be held in Milwaukee. Most of them anyway. Former...
Happy Birthday Social Security! It was 88 years ago this week that Congress created the Social Security system, a safety net for retirees. But the future...
When you were a kid and didn’t like the way the game was going, you may just take your ball and go home. Apparently that is...
You may not see the word abortion the next time you head to the polls, but it is clear abortion is very much on the ballot...
I have been on this rant before, so forgive me. But I continue to be mystified by how the city of La Crosse maintains, or doesn’t...
Here we go again. Wisconsin’s Governor has called the Legislature into a special session to address topics he argues are important for Wisconsin. And once again,...
Too often, when cases come before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, one of the seven justices has a conflict of interest. Perhaps because the person to appear...
The drug Fentayl has become a scourge on our society. That is certainly true in La Crosse. Over the last five years, La Crosse County has...
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. This week, the newly-progressive leaning Wisconsin Supreme Court took its first action, by unceremoniously firing the Director of...
It is rare for leaders of our two political parties to agree on anything. But the Congressman who represents La Crosse in the House of Representatives...
Wisconsin did it in 2016 and 2020. Will it again in 2024? Many national experts are predicting that in the next presidential election, Wisconsin could be...
The City of La Crosse sure isn’t in any hurry to enforce its newest law. Two weeks ago the La Crosse City Council amended its ordinance...
For years, Republicans in Wisconsin have criticized the state’s early voting rules. They didn’t just criticize rules that allow voters to cast absentee ballots in advance...
Have you performed your civic duty recently? I did, yesterday, when I participated in a La Crosse County jury pool. I had to report for the...