Wisconsin lawmakers really stepped in it this time. In an effort to change state laws that regulate the operation of wineries in the state, lawmakers almost...
It is another example of be careful what you wish for. La Crosse residents clamored for a shorter alternate-side parking season, and the city council complied....
It is a sad reality that our children are no longer safe in their schools. It has become commonplace for schools to perform active-shooter drills in...
Wisconsin has a history of being a leader in environmental protection efforts. These days, that seems like ancient history. More and more it seems we are...
Just what kind of clothing constitutes free speech? That is a question the Supreme Court is trying to decide. The case centers on a Minnesota man...
The United States Postal Service just can’t figure it out. The agency is having difficulty in the wake of the digital age. So apparently it figures,...
Call it the pothole hotline. La Crosse is not alone in dealing with pothole filled streets. It happens, especially this time of year, throughout the midwest...
The news keeps getting better for Foxconn, but worse for the rest of us. That is because we have learned that the state’s plans to build...
On the heels of the most recent presidential election, we learned of the importance of the security of Wisconsin’s voter database. Russian hackers tried, unsuccessfully according...
It is a small step, but a step in the right direction. After years of giving lip service to making our roads safer by cracking down...
It used to be, school was a place where students could feel safe. Not so much anymore. Some students are afraid they may become victims of...
It is important that Wisconsin figure out a new system for housing the state’s most troubled juvenile offenders. But it is better to get it right...
We can’t continue to fool ourselves any longer. The Wisconsin Legislature is full-time in name only. Members of the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate remain in session...
Today is an important day. It may not seem so to most people. They will choose to sit out this opportunity to participate in our democratic...
PRAT goes splat. An idea to allow La Crosse county to levy a special tax known as a Premier Resort Area Tax, or PRAT, looks to...
We should all try to eat healthy. It is easier for some than others. We have seen the growth in organic foods, and many makers of...
We knew this day would come, and it has. Wisconsin state lawmakers rewrote the state’s campaign finance laws in 2015, essentially removing limits on campaign donations...
Wisconsin lawmakers are doing some good. Even for others than themselves. Members of the Wisconsin Assembly have approved legislation to waive tuition and fees for foster...
The answer was swift and short. No. That is the response from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to the city of La Crosse. Mayor Tim Kabat...
Their hands must be sore, they have been so busy patting themselves on the back in Washington. Congress is giddy after finally passing a government spending...