It may be time to pick up the pace at City Hall. The city of La Crosse started offering outside dining during the height of the...
In La Crosse and across the country, this past weekend was an emotional one for many people. Upset about Friday’s Supreme Court decision, hundreds rallied outside...
It is easy to be critical, but harder to be complimentary. That point was made by the guest speaker at yesterday’s luncheon of the Wisconsin Broadcasters...
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has long been an embarrassment. He has a history of saying some pretty incredible things, rarely backed up by fact....
So, what is the plan then? Governor Tony Evers had a plan to send a big chunk of the state budget surplus back to taxpayers in...
We’ve complained often about Wisconsin’s do-nothing legislature. Members of Wisconsin’s Assembly and Senate have not met in session since March 8. They are not scheduled to...
Chances are most people can’t name Wisconsin’s Secretary of State. That is understandable, given that the elected position has few responsibilities. The duties of Wisconsin’s Secretary...
It is a rare occurrence, so it is worthy of note. The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature has decided not to stand in the way of Governor Tony...
Work is finally underway on the reconstruction of La Crosse Street. This is a project that has been on the DOT’s planning list for some 20...
It shouldn’t have taken so long. The Wisconsin Supreme Court, by a narrow margin, ruled last week that a lobbying group cannot sue to stop to...
Some words are harder to spell than others. Boutonniere is a tricky one, so it is understandable that word is one a lot of people have...
One would assume that a former Supreme Court justice would be familiar with and follow basic rules of courtroom etiquette. Not so, apparently, with Michael Gableman....
Was all that really necessary? Some are questioning the rationale for last night’s primetime airing of the findings so far of the committee studying the January...
Lots of things have changed since 1849. People were still traveling by covered wagon. But one thing that hasn’t changed in the past 173 years is...
Disinformation is dangerous. It encourages and helps people believe things that are not true. Like Russia’s President telling his people that Ukraine would welcome them and...
According to the headlines, people support changes in the operation of La Crosse’s schools. The district recently surveyed residents to ask them about the district’s plan...
It used to be that elections had consequences. That isn’t true so much anymore in Wisconsin, thanks to some dirty political tricks. The efforts to blunt...
It’s time to show off, La Crosse. The city has an opportunity to show all it has to offer as thousands of people from across the...
They say the wheels of government turn slowly. That is certainly true of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The DOT announced that a reconstruction of La...
Memorial Day weekend is now behind us, and today is the first of June. That means La Crosse’s experiment with No Mow May has come to...