La Crosse has long been a welcoming city. But sometimes we need to be reminded of that. La Crosse mayor Mitch Reynolds has told federal officials...
There are lots of things you could do with nearly three-quarters of a million dollars. Wisconsin is choosing to spend that money on a witch-hunt marred...
You’ve heard of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871…but there was another large fire, in Wisconsin, on the same day, yesterday in La Crosse. October...
It seems like everything is getting faster these days. Except the mail. Our mail service wasn’t exactly prompt as it was. To send a letter across...
When the government sent us stimulus checks to help offset the costs of the pandemic, and keep the economy moving, they didn’t put any restrictions on...
It sure seems that nothing gets done in Congress these days. The two parties, divided down the middle, can’t agree on much of anything. The infrastructure...
Congress finally reached a last-minute deal to keep the federal government operating. Hardly deserving of a round of applause. But now we are told that the...
In 1970, the Tivoli Restaurant off Highway 35 and the Rivoli Theater downtown were both busy places in La Crosse. The Rivoli was celebrating 50 years...
During the summer of 1956, a committee planning a ramp on Market Square met at the Hotel Stoddard, and was told that a lack of downtown...
To fest, or not to fest, that is the question. La Crosse’s 60th annual Oktoberfest is now underway. Despite being one of the biggest weekend in...
It is finally that time again. The Wisconsin Legislature is beginning the process of drawing legislative boundaries, as it does every ten years. And as it...
Here we go again. The federal government is on track for another possible shutdown. A vote is expected this week on funding the federal government to...
No matter how hard they look, they have yet to find what they are looking for. In fact, they found the opposite. A review of the...
It is yet just another demonstration of how divided this country is. Leaders of the United States Senate announced yesterday that talks have broken down over...
It is working at UW-La Crosse and can work elsewhere too. The UW System has, so far, been able to return almost exclusively to in-person learning...
Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference. Often times they go unnoticed, but are worthy of mention. For example, Mayo Clinic recently conducted a...
La Crosse’s road construction season remains in full swing. The orange barrels are seemingly everywhere, on Main Street, Jackson, Copeland and more. It can be frustrating...
Our schools often have to provide instruction about sensitive and controversial topics. We teach today’s youth that there was a Holocaust. We teach them there was...
That’s the great thing about this country. People have freedom of speech, the right to essentially say what they want. That doesn’t mean they should. A...
They can’t have it both ways. Some Wisconsin lawmakers called for an early end to the federal unemployment insurance benefit, an extra $300 per week. They...