What isn’t happening is shameful. For more than a month, protesters in La Crosse, in Madison, throughout the country and even the world have called for...
In the summer of 1969, Mrs. Mauree Applegate Clack of La Crosse died. She had taught education at La Crosse State for 21 years. Later that...
We all want schools to be able to reopen in the fall. But wishing it doesn’t make it so. Schools across the country, including in La...
Gambling and even sweepstakes were forbidden in Wisconsin for decades. But by 1990, the state had legalized bingo, the lottery, and dog-racing. Casinos were still off-limits, though. The...
It seems that just about everyone who wanted some, got some. The U.S. Treasury Department has now released a list of who got money from the...
In July of 1943, the Second World War was raging on several fronts. Just on the front page of the La Crosse Tribune, the Secretary of the...
It’s been quite a year. Finally, we are halfway through 2020, but some are warning the second half of the year from hell could be worse...
One thing that seems clear about this pandemic is the need for the truth. As individuals and a community we can make the most informed decisions...
The 4th of July in 1970 was the official opening day for La Crosse’s current City Hall. The 6-floor building on La Crosse Street replaced the City...
Happy Fourth of July weekend. This of course looks much different than most past Independence Days. We are still in the middle of a pandemic, and...
On July 2nd of 2015, President Barack Obama spoke at UW-La Crosse, in the Recreational Eagle Center. It was Obama’s only visit to the city during...
Is it time to embrace the mask? Few things have been as controversial throughout this pandemic as wearing masks. Whether a person is wearing a mask...
It seems so long ago now when the coronavirus pandemic started. Indeed, it has been more than three months since we started seeing cases in Wisconsin....
In the summer of 1961, the Country Fair Amusement Park was located at Avon and Monitor Streets. On Wednesday nights, the whole family could play miniature...
Perhaps the one consistent thing about this corona-crisis is just how inconsistent it all has been. Some people get severe symptoms, some not at all. Some...
In 1972, the 4th of July fell on a Tuesday, and the La Crosse Tribune suggested that Independence Day become a Monday holiday, for the sake...
If it can work in Madison, then why not La Crosse? Like La Crosse, Madison is seeing a surge in cases of the coronavirus, and like...
The first four days of July in 1983 were set aside for a holiday festival in Riverside Park, called Riverfest. Organizers were hoping it would become...
Local cases of coronavirus continue to surge. La Crosse county, which had just 55 cases in March, April and May combined, is now well over 300...
On the weekend before the presidential election in 2000, Republican Dick Cheney and Democrat John Kerry both made trips to La Crosse, but not at the...