In July of 1981, Britain’s Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer at a lavish wedding seen on TV around the world. That same day, the...
Acting La Crosse chief Ray Lichtie was promoted full-time to chief in May of 1977. Lichtie had been in that position since the previous October, when...
The La Crosse Queen paddlewheeler was being introduced in 1965. Roy Franz of the Big Indian Boat Lines said the new excursion boat could hold as...
“This…is London” was a familiar opening to Edward R. Murrow’s radio reports from England during 1942. Murrow and other CBS reporters, including Charles Collingwood and Eric...
In 1962, the La Crosse City Council was offered the chance to convert an old station wagon into an ambulance, and turned it down. Police chief...
In May of 1968, the Catholic Diocese of La Crosse named Monsignor John Paul its temporary administrator, while Bishop Frederick Freking was recovering from an illness. ...
In May of 2012, the La Crosse park board was told by tree specialists that about five thousand ash trees might have to be removed from...
There are only six states now that don’t have their own lotteries, but In early 1982, fewer states ran those games of chance. A lottery proposed...
A big neon sign on La Crosse’s skyline was replaced in 1968. The Hotel Stoddard replaced its rooftop sign with a group of individual signs, each...
In 1967, potential presidential candidates were spending time in Wisconsin preparing for the ’68 April primary. The Badger State had the first major primary after New...
In 2007, Logistics was making plans for a second office building, to the south of the building that had recently replaced Piggy’s Restaurant along Front Street. ...
In 1995, the first building used as a city hall in La Crosse was demolished in the 400 block of Main Street. In the 1930’s and...
Walter Cronkite called April 22nd of 1970 “a unique day in American history”…the first Earth Day, to raise awareness of environmental problems. But not everybody called...
Compared to political attack ads you see now, messages that ran during the 1968 campaigns in Wisconsin might seem tame. Congressman Vernon Thomson accused his Democratic...
On Good Friday of 1965, the studios of WKBT Television and WKBH Radio on 6th Street were gutted by an early-morning fire. No one was hurt,...
In 1991, for the third spring in a row, La Crosse police had to deal with visitors trying to make trouble downtown during the weekend...
In May of 1969, one La Crosse church offered a special worship service at 1:30 a.m., for promgoers for Logan and Central who wouldn’t have to...
In 2008, the church at the Shrine of Guadalupe east of La Crosse opened its doors. The multi-million dollar facility was a labor of love for...
On April 8th and 9th of 1973, La Crosse saw one of its biggest snowstorms on record to that time. The 16-inch total easily beat the...
In April of 1990, former Central High principal Robert Bulthaus pled guilty to misdemeanors, resulting from charges that he misused student activity funds during two...