The UW-L football Eagles took the NCAA Div. III championship in the fall of 1992, seven years after becoming national champions in the NAIA. Coach Roger...
In 1964, local radio stations broadcast lots of high school sports. WKTY in La Crosse was broadcasting the WIAA basketball playoffs at all four levels, from...
Raymond Burke returned home to La Crosse in the summer of 1975, just after being ordained as a priest in Rome by Pope Paul VI. Father...
In August of 1977, Medary was proceeding with a bond sale that would allow the town to operate its own sewage treatment system, just as Dayton-Hudson...
In August of 2012, the La Crosse School District decided to schedule a fall referendum on whether to build a new north-side elementary school to take...
In August of 1971, about 500 people attended the ground-breaking for a new Kickapoo River dam project near La Farge. Just one protester spoke out at...
On this day last year, in 2016, Indiana Governor Mike Pence campaigned at UW-La Crosse as the new Republican vice presidential nominee. Pence led a mid-afternoon...
Last year, La Crosse Congressman Ron Kind ran unopposed in the November election in Wisconsin’s 3rd District. Back in 1986, the House race was more lively,...
In August of 1968, downtown La Crosse’s largest hotel, the Hotel Stoddard, put up a huge new rooftop sign that summer, spelling out the building’s name...
The Heileman Brewery of La Crosse was eager to buy Milwaukee’s Blatz Brewery in the summer of 1969. Heileman offered $8.5 million for Blatz, competing with...
In the summer of 1965, the University of Wisconsin was talking about building a second campus in Madison…predicting that the school couldn’t hold more than 40,000...
During the summer of 1956, a committee planning a ramp on Market Square met at the Hotel Stoddard, and was told that a lack of downtown...
In 1960, La Crosse city leaders were making plans for a community festival like the Aquatennial in Minneapolis or the St. Paul Winter Carnival, but one...
On August 2nd of 1977, voters in the La Crosse school district turned out for an unusual summer election, and threw five school board members out...
The La Crosse State campus paper, the “Racquet,” pointed out that the local college was the smallest in the state system at only 53 acres. A...
On July 31st in 1972, Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri resigned as the Democratic nominee for vice president. Eagleton had been on the ticket with George...
In the summer of 1957, city engineer Zenno Gorder told the La Crosse Businessman’s Club that the community needed a second arterial street to take some...
In 1976, La Crosse Mayor Pat Zielke was calling for the disbanding of the Redevelopment Authority, saying that the idea had been suggested by Washington, which...
In the summer of 1965, Wisconsin lawmakers were working on ways to fund highway projects through bonds, instead of having to impose user fees. Interstate 90...
In 1974, you could see a big sign along Mormon Coulee Road, promoting a new shopping center to be built soon near the Holy Cross Seminary. ...