Called Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world”
Sykes leader in WI #NeverTrump movement
Clinton will watch, probably won’t be on social media
Like Apple, Google rolling out its own phone, called Pixel
Sister reported her missing on Monday
Part of Y’s Evening of Inspiration series
Debate begins at 8 p.m. tonight
Pence-Kaine debate starts at 8 p.m. tonight
NYT says it received his papers anonymously
The 20-year agreement is about to expire
Originally, council approved $133,000 in funds
Decision comes three weeks after leaked documents showing link between “independent” groups and campaign
ACLU fighting law, same time report comes out DMVs mishandling responsibility
Rate increases up to 110 percent, providers jumping ship
Tax the rich, give to poor or relieve taxes to rich and hope they give to poor?
From taxes on upper/middle class to child care
Some noteworthy cases coming up
Report lends Rep. presidential nominee didn’t pay fed. taxes for 18 years
There are possible lawsuits now over the Wisconsin DMV’s apparent inability to get free voter IDs to those who want them. That after a report, late...
Given the honorary feather back in April