Got a horse? Want to be a part of the Winona County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse?
Pretending to be asleep didn’t help a wanted man avoid arrest in Sparta
When La Crosse police chief Ron Tischer criticized local judges this year for letting drug suspects out of jail, he specifically singled out the case of...
It took just under 3 hours for a recount of the District 19 La Crosse County Board seat this morning. (Click for Audio) La Crosse County...
Eric Koula gets a chance today to argue for another trial, or a dismissal of
A recount in La Crosse County takes place at 8am this morning for the
Assembly Democrats are demanding Republican Governor Scott Walker call a
For the last 50 years, Sparta has been a dry city. Count the years no
Some relief today in the form of rain. Especially needed in La Crosse and
Always a good time for the hundreds that come to La Crosse for the state’s
For now, the La Crosse fire department’s boats will stay on trailers in fire
Several new laws were signed Monday designed to help people with opiate abuse
Springtime brings lots of opportunities for kids and adults to celebrate the accomplishments of the past school year; blow off pent-up energy from the long Wisconsin winter and...
As the La Crosse School District was set to vote on a location for the new 7 Rivers Community Charter High School Monday night, Logan High...
Over 150 firefighters from area departments converged on Monroe and La Crosse
A Mt. Sterling woman has been nabbed, making a shake and bake meth lab in her car. According to the Vernon County Sheriff’s Department, while on...
Some road construction coming to La Crosse’s Northside soon. (Click for
Motorists traveling I-90 west from La Crosse to Minnesota will encounter a
31 votes. That’s how many it took for the Tomah School referendum to pass on
On Tuesday UW-La Crosse students will vote on whether to pay an additional