Miller negotiated with his doc to play for hometown
Council says no to developers in Medary and Shelby
Council approved $35 million in borrowing, hopes for more from state
Director says a new generation of clowns are coming
La Crosse Center $40-million remodel, Barron Island dev., Hixon Forest $100k relief
Wants Trump to renounce comments about Latino judge
City would borrow $35 million, hope for state funding for rest
Event raises money for Special Olympics
U.S. saw half its population disappear in last year
Covey defended DeShawn Randall, who pleaded guilty and is serving life sentence
Gov. promised 250,000 jobs in first four years, he’s hat 168,000 after five
Arcadia furniture store had faced $2 million in fines
Kind will face Dem. Myron Buchholz, but no Republican on ballot
Van ran stop sign and somehow ended up flipped over
Sanders vows to take fight into Washington, D.C., primary
Bradley and Kapanke spoke during event
Money to help programs begin, develop over eight-year period
Multiple upgrades in La Crosse, while Ona. features new gymnastics center
Developers say project could be worth $11 million
John Sarnowski sees himself as a centrist Republican