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2025 Mayoral Race Ellie McLoone

Learn more about your 2025 candidates for La Crosse Mayor

Ellie McLoone

Ellie McLoone

Candidate for La Crosse Mayor




La Crosse Primary voting has started and ends Feb. 18, 2025

The general election for city offices voting ends April 1, 2025

WIZM La Crosse Talk interview with Ellie McLoone:

McLoone’s answers to WIZM questionnaire:

Can you tell us about yourself—work, family and history in La Crosse?

I was born and raised in La Crosse. I am proud to be the 5th generation.

I attended my freshman year at UWL and transferred to Madison where I graduated with a degree in Education. I taught elementary school in Reedsburg, Wisconsin for three years. My marriage took me to the Chicagoland area where I worked in sales, marketing and business development. I managed multimillion dollar departments and numerous employees. My primary area of expertise was with consumer package goods (cpg) and working with fortune 500 companies. I strategized new product launches and worked with company budgets to further sales growth. After many years in the cpg industry, I left to pursue my passion of repurposing vintage and antique furniture and décor. I was able to save numerous items from ending up in a landfill. I operated my store where I worked within my community. I offered not only refreshed and renewed furniture from my storefront, I also provided services to commercial and residential clients. This opportunity also allowed me to be closer to home during my children’s middle and high school years.

When I returned to my hometown, I was District Sales Manager at Coca-Cola, back to my expertise in consumer package goods and marketing. I worked with local businesses and restaurants to maximize their investment and placement of products to increase sales along with customer base.

A recommendation from a relative suggest I consider a career in real estate with my sales, marketing and furniture rehab background. The timing was perfect as my father was ailing and required more hands-on attention. As an independent real estate agent, this provided the opportunity to once again manage my own business which afforded me the flexibility to care for my father. As a licensed Realtor I take great pride in helping first-time homeowners and veteran buyers find the perfect home to meet their dream checklist. Buying or selling a home is generally the largest transaction a buyer/seller will have. I take this seriously and work tirelessly for the best outcome for my clients. Working in real estate has further enhanced my understanding of the city of La Crosse. It also made me more aware of the difficulties individuals/families face finding their future homes.

I currently am involved as either a board member or volunteer on; Irishfest, Bluffside Neighborhood Association, Heritage Preservation Commission and the La Crosse Area Realtors Association

Why did you decide to run for mayor and what experiences do you feel will help you excel in office?

I love the city I grew up in and as a realtor I see the community from every angle. I see the tremendous untapped potential to make La Crosse the unrivaled destination for everyone from young families, adults, senior citizens and business owners. My business and leadership experiences allow me to make common sense decisions in organization, employment, budgets, personnel and determine needs and wants for the city. My business and personal background experience will help me make decisions sensible for the greater good. I know what it is like to work with a budget, employees and the public.

How would you plan to enhance community involvement in city planning and decision making processes?

I will have an open-door policy at city hall. I will remove the barriers that exist in many departments and streamline the public access to information and answers. The current system fails to properly notify the public in advance of ongoing events. I will also look into improving public meeting time slots to make meetings more accessible to the public. I would prioritize enhancing public announcements to inform the residents regarding upcoming discussions/meetings.

I will meet with department heads to guarantee departments are working efficiently and to their capabilities. I will streamline interaction with the public to increase communication and action. I will interact directly with the residents of La Crosse. I am a people-person. I will make the office a place where individuals can express their concerns to the mayor. I will continue attending local functions to keep the finger on the pulse of the city.

The city council decided to delay a vote on hiring a City Admin. Until after the election. Do you support the creation of this position? If so, how would the city admin. Collaborate with the mayor’s office, and what would the role entail?

City Counsel and the Mayor need to better explain the pros and cons to residents explaining both the role and the expectations of potentially adding an administrator. The capital expense must be justified. The decision to appoint should be brought as a referendum so the voters can have input on this possible expenditure.

I believe there are benefits to a city administrator. Having one individual monitoring the expenditures of all departments, major contracts, department head employment requests and federal funding can be beneficial. Having one individual with a business background, not a politician, reviewing financial transactions has the potential to save tax dollars.

The Mayor is the Chief Operating Officer of the city and would need to work closely with the city administrator to oversee and consider the resident’s prospective in major decisions. Collaboration and communication will be key to a successful implementation.

If it would pass, I feel an independent executive headhunter should conduct the search and bring three qualified candidates to review. The contract with the city administrator could be structured with incentives for achievements to promote the best interest of the city. The position should be voted on by the full city council and the mayor. The hiring process must be transparent to the public. There also needs to be put in place a mechanism to terminate the program if it is determined not to be in the best interest of La Crosse.

Do you support the pathways home initiative? If so, what aspects of the plan do you find most effective? If not, what alternative solutions would you propose to address homelessness in La Crosse?

We can all agree that homelessness is a difficult situation with many underlying issues. Pathways is one of many organizations in the La Crosse area working to improve this. As I mentioned in my announcement, I will push the Governor and our representatives to fund a State detox and counseling center on the West side of the state near La Crosse. Drug addiction and mental health issues tend to be large factors in homelessness and this could be a game changer. A state funded center along with all the organizations in La Crosse; Pathways Home, Salvation Army, Karuna, Tellurian, Catholic Charities, La Crosse County to name a few should continue working together to achieve the goal. Job training and assistance is also a mandatory component to any successful attempt at addressing the homeless issue. The city must amplify coordination with independent programs that provide this service. The current housing developments in construction and future planned sites will offer the scaled rent to assist with housing. A scaled rent system will benefit the housing problem.

La Crosse is like many cities facing challenges with affordable housing. How would you work to improve the availability of affordable housing for working-class residents?

La Crosse, located in this beautiful driftless area, has natural restrictions for development. The bluffs and river make a need for creativity in housing moving forward. There currently are several projects in construction and planned projects for future development to address affordability and availability. This along with the accessible dwelling unit possibility will offer some relief in housing.

Updated codes and zoning will help in development. We need to re-evaluate the flood plain map to remove homes or land from overburdened restrictions. There are approximately 1,700 homes in the flood plain. Our State and federal representatives must assist the City in working with FEMA to resolve the issue. A study currently underway by the US Army Corps of Engineers – Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is looking at the 7 levees currently in North La Crosse for safety and necessary improvements. This study will assist in identifying future possibilities for construction. This issue also emphasizes the need to engage in communication with local developers to seek their professional input. There are several private developments underway or in the process of development which will add housing in the future. There will always be ups and downs in the housing market. Staying informed of updated regulations and long-term planning is a major piece of the puzzle.

What is your vision for economic growth in La Crosse, particularly in attracting new businesses and supporting existing ones? How do you plan to balance development with preserving the character of downtown and neighborhoods?

It is apparent that many of our large box stores have closed over the last several years. Greater attempts need to be made to fill those spaces. Unfortunately, due to construction costs, interest rates and inflation, this is a difficult, but not impossible task. I believe alternatives can be found as well. Aldi on the south side and the Pickle Ball Zone on the north side are perfect examples. As a local business owner, I have already met and will continue to meet with local business owners to discuss existing needs and concerns. As a prior small business owner, I understand what it takes to run a business. I believe examination of existing regulations and codes should be considered to guarantee we are working with our community, not against it.

I agree, preserving the character of the downtown is a must. I will work with the city planning department and council to guarantee this will always remain. My ongoing community involvement shows my commitment to this issue, one example is my position on the Heritage Preservation Commission, which demonstrates my dedication.

Recent reports show a decline in Lax’s population. What strategies would you implement to attract and retain residents, particularly younger people and families?

Looking at the history of La Crosse since the mid 1940’s, our population has fluctuated from approximately 50k to 53k. Ups and downs can be attributed to business restructuring with reduced staff, retirees moving out of the area or just people moving for personal and work-related issues. Today, more people have the ability to work offsite via zoom or other video conferencing forums. Not only will I encourage companies to move to La Crosse, but I will also make a concerted effort to communicate to families both young and old that you could move to our beautiful area and enjoy everything La Crosse has to offer and Zoom from La Crosse. I will also work with the universities, so they communicate the importance that campus life is more rewarding than zooming from out of state.

Our beautiful area and all the seasonal activities attract young people and families for the experience it provides. Although the medical field and universities are a major part of our community, we still need to acknowledge the need and benefits of manufacturing and other businesses to add to the diversity and well roundedness of the city. These entities are great compliments to each other.

What is your approach to improving and maintaining the city’s infrastructure, including roads, public transportation and utilities?

Repairs and maintenance of our current infrastructure are imperative before adding new costs. I will work with utility companies to ensure our facilities are failsafe and properly protected. I will work with utilities to make sure they continue to modernize the aerial wires for underground installation. I will also request they do a better job communicating with the public. The city also needs to address the outdated public works facility to assure quality of services.

How do you plan to improve transportation options in La Crosse? What ideas do you have for expanding public transportation, enhancing pedestrian and bike pathways?

There is a need and demand for a second airline servicing La Crosse. I will work with the county and airport to make this a reality. The second service is vital for businesses, universities, adults and young families considering moving to La Crosse.

I will continue to support the City’s efforts to seek solutions in transportation. I fully support the efforts to extend bike lanes for both recreational and transportation purposes. However, a commonsense approach to this must be applied. Input from local businesses is a must. You can no longer implement this program in its current state without considering the impact on local establishments and the safety of both pedestrians and drivers (both truck and auto). The elimination of safe drop-off areas and parking must always be fully considered. I will continue to ensure the necessary maintenance of the current sidewalks as needed for safe usage. Well maintained sidewalks ensure the safety of both bicyclists and pedestrians.

The second train operation benefits La Crosse. Improvements to track efficiency and options at depot should always be under review. I will work with the Federal Government to make sure Amtrak’s needs are met.

What strategies would you implement to ensure that lax remains a safe community for residents and visitors? How do you plan to address issues such as police-community relations, crime prevention and emergency response preparedness?

I will ensure that the police as well as fire and rescue have all the preparedness for any possible situation. Training and equipment are vital for the community’s safety both with the Fire and Police Departments. Many situations and natural disasters around the country can also be used as learning moments to review La Crosse’s procedures. It is vital that all efforts are made to ensure a properly staffed police force. We must work on guaranteeing competitive salaries and benefits. It is important to work closely with the Chief of Police to support the department and offer any assistance.

The addition of the two new firehouses is a great start to providing fire protection to our community. I will work with the Fire Chief to make sure the department ‘s training needs are properly met. It is vital that the city communicate and educate the public on fire safety. Fire safety programs in La Crosse schools both public and private should be properly funded.

What steps would you take to address climate change and improve sustainability efforts in La Crosse, particularly in areas such as renewable energy, waste reduction, and green spaces?

La Crosse currently promotes the Youth Climate Action which gets youth involved on a local level to be active in the community. The program encourages youth to promote climate awareness as well as potential solutions to sustain the future. The water treatment plants were recently updated, however, other city buildings must be considered for energy performance. Many current city buildings are in dire need of upgrades or renovations. The outdated buildings must be retrofitted or replaced with a focus on functionality and energy efficiency. A multi-source approach for energy through geothermal heating, solar combined with equipment efficiency will offer improved sustainability.

What is your plan for supporting local schools and youth programs in La Crosse? How can the mayor’s office collaborate with the school district and other organizations to ensure educational opportunities and services for young people?

School safety needs must be a priority for students and staff. I will also work in conjunction with the superintendent to continue to build upon safety and core programs to develop opportunities that draw families to the city of La Crosse. The mayor must attempt to expand and help organizations that complement the city with programing.

The process of closing schools, combining schools or relocating schools in recent years has been a disaster. There has been a lack of communication between entities who were responsible. The loss of taxpayer money for the earnest money at the Trane Company location should never have happened. The mayor needs to work closer with the Superintendent to guarantee the proper spending of taxpayer money. As a former teacher I also know the importance of programing both in and out of school. The Park District needs to evaluate if after school programs are meeting the needs of the youth. If more can be done, new programs should be created, we need to work harder to do so. We also could look at the private sector for contributions to improve youth services.

With technology advancements affecting cities across the nation, how do you plan to incorporate tech an innovation into Lax’s growth? This could include areas such as digital infrastructure, smart city initiatives or fostering a local tech industry.

We always need to consider technological advancements to improve city life. Whether it’s in how better to save energy, run more efficient bus routes, truck routes, improve roads or manage buildings. AI technology will play a large part in the future of all cities. We need to make sure our department heads are attending the proper forums to receive the updates and ideas needed to advance. We also need to meet with local tech leaders and learn from their knowledge in this topic area. If the private sector can assist in improving the city, I am happy to accept the help. However, one thing I am apprehensive about is expanding programs that eliminate the face-to-face contact many residents expect when dealing with city government. People, especially the elderly, do not want to “zoom in” or talk to a computer-generated voice to resolve issues or receive service. Employees should be expected to physically come to their offices in most cases. The live option should never totally be eliminated under the auspice of efficiency.