Of 2,651 who voted, 68% said yes to funding
The 20-year agreement has been two years in making
Sale of beer, wine and liquor could be earlier, but won’t be later
Host Homes program aligns youth with foster family while parents get help
One bill calls for revoking license permanently, other could require interlock
Board expected to approve deal Wed., after delaying vote in Oct.
Adult must be on premise but does not have to be lifeguard
DNR exempt utilities and power coops from mitigation if filling no more than 10,000-sq-feet of wetlands
Efforts to allow La Crosse county to adopt a special tax are moving along in Madison. Unfortunately, those efforts are misguided. La Crosse County is seeking...
In the fall of 1965, Greek organizations at La Crosse State ran a week-long campaign, asking for people around the city to donate cookies to be...
Also proposing to spend more on treating abused animals
Price could get pushed into $30-million range