Property, income taxes especially targeted for reform
Pipeline increasingly subject cracking, and maintenance needs to grow rapidly unless company can replace
Minnesota 1 of 12 states to have its own health exchange
Suit alleges owner breaking law breeding wolves, and kills them for fur
Driver still at large, while passenger was just released from jail
Youth survey found students wouldn’t use e-cigs if not flavored
CapX says 20 wind projects want to use line
Police say call if you find foreign object in Halloween candy
Homelessness remains a problem in La Crosse. But much is being done in our community to put an end to the problem. Already, the La Crosse...
In late 1966, Dairyland Power announced plans for another generator at the site of its nuclear plant in Genoa. The $18 million plant would use steam...
Open records advocates argue it will make it nearly impossible for public to see video
Committee narrowly voted to pass resolution down the line