K9 Bill will take over for the 10-year veteran
We waited all summer for this? That is our reaction to the news that the Wisconsin Legislature’s finance committee has finally come up with a way...
Legion will have space in new building, but won’t be owners
For students at UW-La Crosse booking a dorm room for the fall semester in 1978, the rates were rising. Reserving a bunk in a double room...
[sexypolling id=”2″]
Pearl Street Brewery beer comes up big again for the community.
Legislature trying to allow manufacturer to skip Appeals Court in lawsuits
Doyle hears the arguments, like Colorado making money off its legalization
La Crosse jazz pianist performed concert Wed. to celebrate
Neighbors have complained about its new location
MnDot held informational meeting about its intentions to increase passenger rail
Also first time V-Hawks coach Ryan Delong went against a former player turned coach