Serving as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is no doubt a difficult job. It can be hard to get lawmakers of divergent political...
The UW-L football Eagles took the NCAA Div. III championship in the fall of 1992, seven years after becoming national champions in the NAIA. Coach Roger...
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Shilling and Billings held town meeting last week, hearing concerns over deal
In April, Trump signed executive order reversing restrictions on oil drilling
In comfort of fervent fans, Trump resurrects free-wheeling 2016 campaign style, pinging insults at perceived enemies and meandering from topic to topic
Many lawmakers expressed skepticism during meeting Tuesday
State hasn’t been off Top 10 since report started in 2007
Walker said it’s done in principle, while Vos said talks continue
If Foxconn comes to Wisconsin, it could provide a huge boost to the Wisconsin economy. But the word “could” needs to be spelled with a capital...
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Speaker’s first town hall in district in nearly two years; questions were preselected