Around 90,000 voted
Winners and losers: Dan Kapanke and Bill Feehan {mp3}28877{/mp3}
Winners and losers: Vicki Burke {mp3}28875{/mp3}
Winners and losers: Ginny Dankmeyer {mp3}28874{/mp3}
It is the day after the election, but let’s face it, we’ll all a little burned out on politics. So we will take a break from...
Investors panicking over uncertainties on trade, immigration
Republicans maintain majority
State’s 10 electoral votes win it
Surprising to most congressional race was so close
Shilling announced win over Kapanke Wed. morning
It is all over now, but the voting. It is finally election day, when millions of people will cast their ballots for President. It has been...
Democrats need 30 seats to take majority