Voting for a write-in candidate isn’t as simple as scrawling “Aaron Rodgers” on the write-in line. The candidate must be a REGISTERED write-in candidate. LaCrosse County...
Eat Less Exercise More. That’s the basic concept behind Minutes in Motion. Linda Larson from Gundersen Lutheran has more. {mp3}27157{/mp3}
Most of the payouts came during Walker’s presidential run
Board to decide eminent domain on landowners who refuse
Coalition says over $8 million has been taken
Committee considering initial proposals this week
Myron Buchholz announced he’s running for congress
Some said even if sidewalks were built, they’d still walk on street
Funds to help future Onalaska H.S. graduates
A dozen chains could reproduce store’s model
Idea is to connect neighborhoods
Fire dept. has been out every week fighting fires