On Thursday, the Center For Disease Control released two reports
When it comes to campus arrests for alcohol in 2012, UW-La Crosse came in
La Crosse County’s Heroin Task Force makes its report… The study group had set a deadline of six months for making suggestions to deal with the...
Two months ago, Reavon Taylor of La Crosse was charged in central Wisconsin with a woman’s death from a drug overdose. Taylor has now been bound...
Starting today, the city of La Crosse has closed the hiking trails in
With a partial veto, governor Walker still didn’t make any friends with those
La Crosse mayor Tim Kabat has touted the rehab of neighborhoods since he
Madison - Today, Governor Scott Walker signed legislation to assist people struggling to pay high heating bills as a result of the propane shortage and bitter...
They started installing ticket gates months ago…At last, the city of LaCrosse
It was a September surprise for many library users in La Crosse last year,
There are at least 92 federal programs designed to help lower income
All 178 Class A and B alcohol license holders in La Crosse have been