It was another record breaking year for Gundersen Medical Foundation’s
In a time of tough budgets, the La Crosse city council tonight will vote on
Republicans in the state Senate are looking to overhaul numerous election
The new school being built on the northside of La Crosse won’t have a name
La Crosse’s Northside Elementary was among 167 schools given Wisconsin Title
The Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin and Minnesota is warning people to be
A change in command is taking place at the La Crosse County veterans service office… Iraq War veteran Adam Flood will begin work later this month...
It’s pretty rare that those charged with battery to police ever get
More evidence coming on the theft of donations from the Shrine of Our Lady
A 17 year-old girl high schooler in La Crosse faces very adult charges for
An historic building in La Crosse, battered by a tornado, may have more life
Vernon County recorded their thirds traffic fatality over the weekend. Saturday