A new idea for supplying electricity to La Crosse government offices and one local college is being developed. The La Crosse County Board is being asked...
Quite a few people have gotten a notice from the city of La Crosse to shovel their sidewalk this winter. City Hall said Monday there has...
The race for mayor of La Crosse is getting most of the public’s attention right now, but there are other positions on the city ballot in...
The ‘Uniform Monday Holiday Act,’ passed by Congress in 1968, took effect three years later. Up until ’71, Labor Day was the only holiday in the...
For the first time since he became mayor in 2013, Tim Kabat has a challenger. While everyone is focused on the November elections, La Crosse city...
Plans to spend $1 million to purchase land for a new police-fire building in La Crosse was been approved. Thursday, the city council gave the OK...
The 4th of July in 1970 was the official opening day for La Crosse’s current City Hall. The 6-floor building on La Crosse Street replaced the City...
Onalaska is getting ready for the next phase of reopening city offices. City Hall and the public works offices will open again next Monday, June 8th. ...
La Crosse city leaders are going through the books to see what all the contingency plans are, in case this viral pandemic gets worse. Part of...
Absentee voting in Onalaska will be allowed in person at City Hall three days a week, from now until the April 7th election. The voting and...
What gets done next year, and what can wait? City leaders in La Crosse are starting to tackle the capital improvement plan for the next five...
The next major street in La Crosse to get a makeover could be Gillette Street. Plans for reconstruction of that north-side street will be discussed during a...
We’re crawling — or maybe creeping — near the one-year anniversary of blue baby being hatched in La Crosse. If you haven’t seen the German artwork...
In 1968, the city council was on its second round of bids for a new building to replace the existing La Crosse City Hall at 6th...
Every year has its ups and downs. La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat closes out 2018 feeling like the city has done pretty well. He cites the...
A whole new world of election insecurity, apparently. The Wisconsin Elections Commission has ordered an audit of ballots in one municipality in every county in the...
A slight increase in spending for the city of La Crosse in 2019. That’s part of the plan proposed by Mayor Tim Kabat Monday in city...
A significant chunk of green space at La Crosse city hall will disappear this year. The entire western courtyard of the city hall building will be...
There will be more money for La Crosse’s city hall to use on things like roads and parks. Thursday night, the city council approved drawing down...
City council to vote this week on lowering percentage.