Roughly 2,000 properties in floodplain in city
Storm over 400 miles wide with winds over 130 mph
Magnitude between 8.1 and 8.2, which would be larger than 1985 quake that killed thousands
Moratorium requires mining companies to prove not polluting groundwater
Congress considering rate hikes for national flood insurance program during renewal
Packers play Rams tonight
Speakers pumping sound could deter fish
Project spans four states and was opposed for environmental reasons
Pipe under waterway linking Lake Michigan and Lake Huron
Whales caught in fishing gear much more often than anchor lines
Companies drain swamp, clear forests, often setting illegal fires to expand palm oil plantations
“We know that outside manufacturing plants of Foxconn, rivers are very polluted,” a U of Michigan environmental engineer said.
Move saves households about $25 a year, while state loses $181.5 million for forests
Shilling and Billings held town meeting last week, hearing concerns over deal
Center for Biological Diversity criticized move as overreach and threat to environment.
Wisconsin eyeing industrial acid mining.
As long as there’s been an agency to control pollution in Minnesota, there’s been a people’s group to watch what that agency is up to. Both...