The governor plans to head to a school in Neenah to sign budget Thurs.
Fact check states “Ryan’s math is fuzzy on ‘terrible tax system'”
Package is largest in U.S. history offered by state to foreign corporation
Sen. McCain says training accidents are linked to budget cuts
Incentive package is largest in U.S. history, 10 times larger than any ever in Wisconsin
Group has helped pay to redecorate White House and VP Pence’s home
Democrats have offered over a dozen amendments, none of which have been adopted
Deal is all but done, waiting on Gov. Walker to get back from Asia to sign
Wisconsin about to give the biggest subsidy to a foreign company in U.S. history
GOP needs 17 votes but could come up short. Gov. Walker is currently touring Asia
Assembly already green-lit nearly identical version of bill in Aug.
Environmental and judicial rules also changed for the company
Bill also waives environmental regulations so Foxconn can build in wetlands or waterways
State has yet to clear the way on $3 billion incentive package
“We know that outside manufacturing plants of Foxconn, rivers are very polluted,” a U of Michigan environmental engineer said.
Shilling and Billings held town meeting last week, hearing concerns over deal
Many lawmakers expressed skepticism during meeting Tuesday
Speaker’s first town hall in district in nearly two years; questions were preselected
Budget is nearing two months overdue
Unknown funding could cause multiple problems for public schools