The University of Wisconsin System budget request has $4 million set aside for diversity training. The money would be spent creating curiculum and hiring staff. That...
Ryan refused to affirm emerging tax plan won’t pile more billions onto $20 trillion national debt
Provision, apparently, wouldn’t require student teaching
Environmental and judicial rules also changed for the company
WASHINGTON — Pushing toward the Republicans’ prime goal of tax legislation, the GOP Senate leader and members of the Budget Committee are scrambling to come up...
Paul Ryan, others urged Trump to hold off on scrapping DACA
McConnell promised Senate will finally vote to open debate on a health care bill.
Three GOP women voted against repeal-only plan. They were shut out of initial all-male health care working group.
Now Trump tweets Republicans should just repeal ACA.
Schumer’s demands: no Medicaid cuts, no tax cuts for wealthy.
More than half a dozen GOP senators have expressed problems with the measure.
Bill Feehan says Rep. have had 7 years to figure out repeal and replace.
May be no time to redraw maps if current ones deemed unconstitutional.
A possible political liability, some analysts are saying, about governor Walker’s decision to push a taxpayer-funded Milwaukee Bucks arena deal. Something that could haunt him on the...