Last year at this time it was 800 and two years ago it wasn’t 800 until T-giving
La Crosse grouped into five-county region
PRAT was proposed as a way of funding roads
Student drinking down, but women over 50 drinking is up
County had over $4 million in damage but may get just $2.5 from FEMA
Wisconsin budget allots just 10% of what county actually needs
Pick up to begin Monday
4-H, agricultural agent positions vacant over a year
LSE Leaders encouraging use of La Crosse’s airport
Deaths from other drugs sits at 20. It was 25 last year.
PRAT will add .5-percent tax on most goods in La Crosse County
This year, jail has seen 13 fights, almost 100 suicide threats
Users of the La Crosse County landfill have been complaining about heavy traffic at the Highway 16 site. One garbage hauler has suggested thinning out the...
If you attend a La Crosse County Board meeting now, in the basement of the former courthouse, you might notice long blank walls down the hallway....
Several hundred La Crosse county households will be invited toparticipate in the University of Wisconsin’s Survey of the Health ofWisconsin. And as Sarah Spah, Director of...