If it’s a certain Sunday night close to Halloween, there will be a large group of zombies dancing in La Crescent streets Michael Jackson’s hit “Thriller.”...
LA CRESCENT, Minn. — A fairly new Halloween tradition brought people from far and wide to La Crescent on Sunday to watch volunteers dance like zombies...
As the sun was setting Sunday night in La Crescent, families gathered at a downtown intersection to watch the zombies come out. The undead performed to...
Astronauts have not walked on the moon since 1972, but there has been plenty of talk since then about going back. In 2004, President George W....
On a Saturday morning in June of 2009, a 300-pound black bear made its way into the city of La Crosse. It wound up in a...
On June 27th of 2009, a 300-pound black bear made its way into the city of La Crosse. It wound up in a tree in Myrick...