Getting drunk drivers off the road may be a little more complicated than simply lowering the legal blood-alcohol content to drive. That’s the view of La...
An Onalaska man faces his third OWI after causing a scene after bar time Saturday morning. Nongchica Yang was seen yelling and swearing at people downtown,...
A new study says .05 should be the new blood-alcohol level for determining drunk driving. Questioning the motivation behind a study to lower the drunk driving...
It’s been the deadliest year of highway deaths since 2011 in La Crosse County. As of Sunday, 13 have died in county accidents at last count....
APPLETON, Wis. — Appleton police say they’re arrested a man for his 12th drunken driving offense. The 53-year-old Green Bay man was booked into the Outagamie County...
Neillsvilel man now facing 5th OWI
One bill calls for revoking license permanently, other could require interlock
Couple had been drinking at a concert downtown
Student drinking down, but women over 50 drinking is up
Over 130 underage tickets, as well as a fair share of others
The 37-year-old blew a .24
Paul Menches was arrested Jan. 31 after losing control of vehicle.
The 34-year-old was in two accidents, before hitting house in Holmen.
The 38-year-old blew a .38 the first night and a .28 two days later.
Also, 20-year-old in jail for allegedly beating woman.
Police suspected a suspended license, found he was drunk.