Through songs and speeches, La Crosse honors the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., on his national holiday. Viterbo University’s annual King Day celebration took place...
Viterbo University of La Crosse officially welcomes a new president, even though that leader has headed the college for over a year now. Dr. Rick Trietley...
Lots of concern and some suspicion in western Wisconsin, about the thousands of Afghan evacuees brought to Fort McCoy since mid-August. Tonight, Viterbo hosts a panel discussion...
You might not be able to see a concert or play at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center until the middle of next year. The university has...
The sign outside the Viterbo Fine Arts Center announcing future events is going to remain blank for the rest of this year. The university has called...
Viterbo University is the latest area college to postpone its May commencement, because of the COVID-19 outbreak. President Glena Temple says the original date of May...
A long-time friend of Viterbo University has been honored by the school, having his name displayed in a very visible place. That friend is Mid-West Family’s...