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Public meeting on La Crosse’s first “neighborhood greenway” this afternoon

Public can offer input/gather info on bike-focused street.
A better way for bicycles gets a hearing today in La Crosse.
The city’s public works board will hold a special 4 p.m. meeting at City Hall to gather public input and share information on the city’s first so-called “neighborhood greenway” planned for 17th St., between Farnam and State streets. It’s the first of several planned for the city.
“The intention here is that it would either slow (automobile) traffic or divert traffic to other routes to make it easier to bike in the street,” Lewis Kuhlman, from the city’s planning office, said.
The greenway improvements include several traffic circles and curb extensions. The improvements would come while the city does other routine maintenance along the street.
Kuhlman says the point is to, basically, make 17th St., a whole lot slower and bike friendly.
“Bicyclists aren’t going faster than maybe 8-10 miles per hour,” he said. “But, if cars are driving 30 (mph), that’s not a very pleasant experience to bike with.
“The idea is … for bicyclists to feel safe on those roads, but also to reduce traffic.”
Below is the total amount budgeted for street improvements for 17th. That includes repaving and storm sewer work. The estimated cost of making it a “greenway” is $65,000, which is included in the total.