Local News
Kabat closes out a year of ‘accomplishments.’

Every year has its ups and downs.

La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat closes out 2018 feeling like the city has done pretty well.
He cites the repaving of six new miles of streets, new neighborhood police officers on the force, breaking ground on affordable housing projects …
“We had quite a few accomplishments and I think we’re all looking forward to continue that in the new year,” Kabat said.
Also in the new year, Kabat says to expect a groundbreaking on one of the biggest unfinished projects in the city; the $42 million expansion and renovation of the La Crosse Center.

Trish Downs
January 1, 2019 at 7:29 am
Glad you think so mayor. The affordable housing projects are primarily habitat for humanity or Western College projects. I can’t think of one ‘affordable housing’ project that the city is responsible for! in 2018.
When you say the cops added two more nro positions I want to see statistics supporting that decision. I think it’s been about 5 or more years since this began in the Powell Hamilton area and I would love to see statistically the impact on crime and courts.
As far as the six mile road repair- I’m shaking my head that you even mention it- Our city is over 15 miles long and connected by north south corridors and several primary roads that are each close to six miles long!. Most of them remain in poor condition.